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Flowtography 2018

I can't believe that Flowtography is tomorrow! We have all worked so hard to complete our poems and take unique pictures. Oh, and just incase you are not sure what Flowtography is it is when you attach poems to pictures to allow it to have a deeper meaning. Chet Tucker came up with this idea. This year I have four pictures. They have many different themes. For example, one poem is about how blending in is not the best decision. I also wrote a poem about a lighthouse that relates to a scripture in the Bible. This may be on of the best Flowtography events yet. My pictures are better than last two years. And even though I am not going on the trip to Peru, I will be using the money I earn for a marine biology camp I would like to go to. If I have any left over, I will save it for my college fund. I am hoping to make at least 80 dollars for each picture. This year, I am also going to be making little Oreo cake balls, and muffins for little refreshments. I am very happy that I get the opportunity to do so. Hopefully all goes well at this event!

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